
Asish Soudhamma

Proxyless gRPC load balancing in Kubernetes

In this post, I will show how you can build a proxy-less load balancing for your gRPC services using the new xDS load balancing. You can find the complete code for this experiment in asishrs/proxyless-grpc-lb Why is load balancing in gRPC difficult? If you are building gRPC based applications, you may already be aware of the usage of HTTP2 in gRPC. If you are unfamiliar with that, please read below

Automate your GitHub Pages Deployment using Hugo and Actions

I am a fan of Hugo for building static websites and blogs. It is very easy to set up Hugo and start building webpages using markdown. If you want to add some serious customizations to your pages you can achieve that using shortcodes. You have access to thousands of themes which makes bootstrapping easy. In this article, I am going to show how you can automate the build and deployment of GitHub Pages using Hugo and GitHub Actions.

Automated and Authenticated APIs stack using Lambda, API Gateway and Cloudformation (AWS)

In this article, I will show how you can set up a protected API endpoint using AWS Lamda, API Gateway, and automate the deployment of the stack using AWS CloudFormation. If you don’t have prior knowledge of the resources/components mentioned above, read the high-level description below. AWS Lambda AWS Lambda lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers. With Lambda, you can run code for virtually any type of application or backend service — all with zero administration.

Spring Cloud Config Auto Refresh + Custom Kafka topic

Spring Cloud Config is one of the best features that Spring provides as part of the framework. Spring Cloud Config allows your java application to follow Externalized configuration pattern which is must have if you are building microservices. Additionally, you can also enable the automatic config refresh in Spring Cloud Config so that all your components receive the latest configuration values when there is a change in the configuration. For automatic configuration delivery, Spring Cloud use Kafka or RabbitMQ messaging platforms.

Docker limit resource utilization using cgroup-parent

One of the things you have to keep in mind in the cloud journey is limiting the resources (CPU and memory) for all running containers. Restrict CPU and Memory utilization across all containers is very important especially if you are running multiple containers. Docker presents an option called cgroup-parent for this purpose. You can check the official docker documentation on cgroup-parent here. Unfortunately, docker documentation doesn’t provide enough details for you start using use cgroup-parent.